Jun 12, 2014


WASH [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene] is a well established field of research and action, definitely a major concern not only for humanitarian operators: its relevance is social, economic and therefore political, and involves all aspects of international cooperation.
A great number of institutions, organizations, foundations etc are working on the theme, and the overall milieu is highly structured. In general terms it is a very strategic sector, where resources, funding and political significance attract interest from many subjects.
Conventionally WASH is regarded as a specialist domain, something between engineering and public health, basically a technical issue.
Combining direct experience and formation on [lavish] available documentation, FAREstudio aims to interpreter sanitation in a much broader meaning than its functional dimension, working on one side on the implications of WASH as physical infrastructure that interacts with all other built and symbolic systems, and on the other, at smaller scale, on its reality of construction.
In other words, if theory about sanitation is well developed, practice and implementation are still inadequate, despite the big amount of handbooks, technical sheets, manuals available.
To reintegrate a technical [apparently] trivial subject into architectural practice is a challenge in line with the overall strategy to [re]open the boundaries of professional commitment.



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